October 12, 2016

Dear  ..................


God is Good! I'm due to be in South Africa , Lesotho and Zambia in January 2017.  

Aims of trip: to visit inmates' families, to lobby for Prisoner Transfer Agreement, to spread the message about the danger of drug trafficking to HK ... and to experience more of Africa !

If you would like me to contact your family, please fill in the section below, and post it back to me. If possible, please let your family know I'll be trying to contact them. Like last January in Kenya and Uganda , I will invite people to meet me at the place where I am staying - in Johannesburg , Maseru and Lusaka .

I'm not able to take any hand-outs from HK.

Over the next month, I will try to send this message to all inmates from South Africa , Lesotho and Zambia . If you know of any inmates from South Africa , Lesotho and Zambia who have not received this letter by the end of November, please ask them to write to me.

In December I will try to visit all the inmates from South Africa , Lesotho and Zambia who have sent this letter back to me.

God bless you .... and Africa !                             

P.O. Box 74013


Please PRINT, not write, very clearly:

Your full name  ...................................................................................................................

Your prison number  ..................................        Name of your prison ..................................

Name of contact person in SA, L, Z ....................................................................................... 
Relationship (spouse/parent/child etc) ................................................................................
If more than one contact person, please use other side of this page

Phone number of contact person ........................................................................................

Email of contact person .....................................................................................................

Location (city/suburb) of contact person in SA, L, Z ............................................................

Please use the other side of this page to write a message for your family (in any language)