Brain Williams - Nigerian scam barrister in Johannesburg - involved in recruiting an elderly man, Jimmie, from Malaysia, to go to Johannesburg and bring "chocolates" (= drugs) to Hong Kong.


1. Jimmie posted letters for Brain to Fr John who scanned and emailed them to Brain - Jimmie asking Brain to verify that Jimmie's trip to Johannesburg was for legitimate business. In response, Brain three times phoned Fr John, recordings of two of the phone calls are here (won't open in IE): 01 (July 25, 2018) and here 02 (July 26, 2018), the second one asking Fr John to send money for legal expenses (.. no way ...).

2. Brain then sent two emails: 01 and 02

3. Other emails are here:

4. A source in South Africa says that Brain is possibly Brian in this clip. If you can verify this please advise 

