Nigerian Drug Lord in Thailand: Felix Chibuzo Nnadi

Felix-C-Nnadi-01.jpg (59206 bytes)


How he tricked two Russian women to take drugs to Hong Kong - here (March 15, with many photos) and here (illustrated video warning)


How he almost tricked a Latin American woman ("M") to go to Thailand and marry him .... until she saw the above March 15 information which I also put on Nairaland Forum in Nigeria and she pulled out of the deal. Above info saved her from big danger. And she in turn saved others! Info below was given to Thai authorities in Oct 2017, but nothing has happened, and Felix is continuing to look for victims, so now I'm making the info public.


Aug 18, 2017 - Email from "M":

Good day
A few days ago you contact via facebook because I have doubts about a post you published on Felix C Nnadi whom you named as the Lord of drugs in Thailand I am or was planning to marry him but there have been so many doubts I decided to stop all preparations . Felix had a relationship with a woman named Suriya Deewong to which I think Felix payment to your family to have children with her and to do business in Thailand this woman and her family have countless facebook accounts he also has a pair. In the past this family looks very poor and even I can describe it as dirty and messy.
I would like to show me some proof and finally away from the do not want to make a mistake and try him. But I also want to be sure that I'll be a good man. I am a woman of America and my country is famous for drug trafficking anywhere where you go the police pays special attention to check not want to be in trouble.
Please help me clear my doubts because it depends on how I will continue my life.
Thank you


My email reply, Aug 21:

Hello M
Thank you for email. 
Is this Suriya's FB? suriya.deewong.5   (notice photo of money....)
Information about Felix C. Nnadi is here (March 15) Russia/letters/2017/index.htm
Is he in Thailand now?
Be careful of people like him. They trick women to carry drugs. Women go to prison for long, long time. 
Stay safe!
God bless


Aug 22 - M's next message:

Felix was my partner he promise me marriage I am not a rich person but I can say that thanks to God I live comfortably, I come from a traditional family with values, moral principles and studies. My country is famous for the drug traffic and the stories that are told are terrifying so the issue of drugs really gives me a huge panic. 
Felix contacted me in August last year through facebook after we started a relationship because he treated me like a gentleman but now I think that I'm just looking for my education, investigating a lot I could realize that he has been with Suriya and his family for a long time since 2010 or 2011 I believe that him payment for Suriya since in old photos they are seen in conditions of poverty. She should be no more than 23 years old and Felix is 47 years old that is something very common in talilandia as I read but really scary for someone like me. In 2010 felix had a relationship with an Australian woman (named...) at the same time she was with Suriya, since her children were born with a small difference of months one was born in January and the other in May. It is sad that a woman allows that kind of thing and forgives everything to a man just for wanting to get out of poverty

A few days ago Felix and I fight but he refuses to finish our relationship I do not know what he really wants from me
Really im very disapponted of him becuase always show himself like correct man even him sent to me all his personal papers and company  and have access to business e mail becuase he want i help to him on business but i realize that even when him say had studies in Putra Malaysia He does not have university studies he does not even know the basic concepts of administration and business but obviusly i will not. 

Now Felix C Nnadi (Felix Chibuzo or Kelly Nnadi), Suriya Dewong (Soraya Dewoong) and Mia Deewong (Phaka Phakasri, Phaka Deewong, Phakasri Deewong, or MN Cap) are importing cars of USA the more easy way to trasport drugs USA to Africa and Asia. You can find them with the names that are the parenthesis also.
Thank you very much for advices i hope this information can help to this woman in the jail.

3 attachments: 01 02 03


Aug 23 - email from M:

This is information of Felix I'm not going to be an accomplice to your bad deeds

Nnadi Felix Chibuzo

Phone: +6637247833

Mobile: 0924370020 or +66924370020 

Contact Address: 91 mu 7, Thap Thai Sub-district Tapraya district Sakeao Province


Suriya's mobile +66806429632


Aug 23 - my email to M:

Hello M
Thank you for so much info re Felix. I will try to make sure your info is used carefully to stop Felix from tricking more women into drug the two Russian women in prison in Hong Kong
If your info is used to try to stop Felix, he might try to take action against you.
For your safety, maybe it's good if you leave Thailand as soon as possible. If you need financial help, I can find some one to help you. 
Would it be possible you can come to Hong Kong and speak with authorities here? I can find somewhere for you to stay temporarily.
I won't give your info to authorities until I receive your reply to this make sure you are safe.
God bless you and keep you safe


Aug 23 - M's email:

Do not worry about my security for now I am in my Country in America even I broke my relationship with Felix and all contact with him. As I told you in my previous email I have the information of him because he wanted my help in his business and wanted me to go to Thailand and Nigeria for at least 1 year so I could learn how they did business in Asia also wanted us to We will marry
I really started looking for information about Felix because he wanted to get married and I left everything in my country to be with him. This is how I discovered that I was involved in drug cases and all the information I am sharing and I can tell you that everything is true. I also know of a woman from Singapore who was inviting Thai to drink and smoke weed but not me I would like you to explain that because this woman is married to a friend of Felix and I would not like to be hurt because she is close to him.
I am in America I do not know how I could help you. I discussed with felix and him block me on fb and whatsapp. Felix insulted me and cursed me. He was very offended because I told him he was a drug dealer and he says it's all because people feel jealous that he is rich and successful in business. But his way of life is far from the life of a rich man. Or at least that the concept of wealth is different between America and Asia.
About the import of cars I am not sure that they are transporting drugs in the vehicules but that came to my mind because the discovery channel transmitted a program on drug trafficking between USA - Africa and USA - Asia and described the importation of cars as the form It is easier and safer to trade drugs like the import of cars. But you can check Suriya Deewong and Phaka Phakasri on facebook they published that they will have cars for sale and in the mail of business of Felix received at the cost of taxes for the import of cars.

I still have access to the email Felix still does not change the password. I can give you my real identity and the only thing you will find about me is that I have university studies, the public university that processes my professional certificate as administrator in human resources.
I can talk to whoever you tell me even the women in jail can contact me whenever they want.
Felix knows that I go very far looking for information about him but he really can not imagine how far I've come. He does not know to contact you or all the conjectures that I did about his life. Maybe you could think I'm crazy but before I left everything in my country I had to be sure that I was doing the right thing and, above all, to be sure that Felix was a good man and a great disappointment to take me.
I attach the document that arrived at the mail referring to the vehicles and I will be trying to support every information that I am giving you so you can check the veracity of said information.

One Attachment


Aug 26 from M

Facebook accounts used by Felix kelly.nnadi.73 agnes.nnadi.1
Facebook accounts used by Suriya suriya.tobtim soraya.deewong suriya.deewong.5

Facebook accounts used by Felix

Facebook accounts used by Suriya


Aug 27, my email to M:

Thank you for more most important information about Felix.
Do you have any suggestion as to how Felix can be arrested in Thailand?  Is there anything else he can be charged with? Do you know of any police department that might try to arrest him? We have to stop him from hurting more people he nearly hurt you. He will keep on trying to find people use them as drug mules. He must be stopped. But who will do this?

Is there any media agency in Bangkok that might use this story? shame the authorities into taking action.
If nothing else is possible, I can put your extra information on my website to name and shame him, but it would be much better if the Bangkok police would take action.

I have sent your information to an international agency which I hope might take action.

God bless


Aug 27, M's email:

Hi John
I really do not know the Thai laws and how the media are there. I do not consider it prudent that you expose the information because it would be put on alert.

I still can not understand the customs of Asia, if you check the Felix was at the same time with the Australian woman and Suriya, even their children were born with a difference of 4 months between them.
Suriya never post anything related to Felix and if you pay attention to all her photos she always looks sad.
The one I think has benefits is Phaka because thanks to Felix she continues to study medicine curiously, perhaps it is an easier way to get the elements to make drugs for themselves. If you check her facebook she has a new car.
I am sending you the information because I believe it is commitment to society. I'm going to investigate a little bit about the Thai laws possibly we can find the right legal arguments.
I attach some documents of the company that they founded perhaps requesting some audit, or I do not know if in Thailand the partners can be required to check the assets they own and how they acquired them.

It is best to keep the information hidden until we have found a way for the Thai police to arrest him.
Best regards

Attachments:  01  02


Aug 27 from M:

Please check the attachments
Rita is a very close friend of Felix and when I saw that publication, I had no reason to think he was a bad man and I gave him all my trust. But I also know that he is looking for a lot of Indonesian women in their majority Muslims or at least that's what I saw on Facebook.
I also enclose the conversation where he invites a woman to drink and smoke grass but this I would not like you to publish because the woman is in danger.
Instead of posting the extra information as you suggest, it occurs to me that we can put together a publication of Nigerian drug traffickers from the Igbo tribe in Asia, for the little that investigates the tribe Igbos to which Felix belongs to Asia and They do drugs, when they are arrested or sentenced to death their families see them as heroes, there you can attach photos of the Nigerians including Felix.

Attachments: 01  02


Aug 29 from M

Hi John
Maybe this can be useful
God bless you

Attachment = Felix's passport!


Aug 29 from M

Him explain very well igbo culture im surprinsing 


Aug 29 - my message to M

Thank you so much M for so much info ...especially the passport. I hope we can soon stop Felix from hurting people. Are you sure you are safe in America? Is there any way Felix can know your location?

God bless


Sep 27: new summary letters from M, with F/B entries:  English and Spanish

Oct 5: From M - new photos of Felix and Suriya (posted on FB by Phaka):

 Felix-and-Suriya-01.jpg (117207 bytes) Felix-and-Suriya-02.jpg (66004 bytes)


Oct 30 from M:

I am glad that your trip (to Bangkok) was successful and above all that you returned safely to Hong Kong.
...... I also have to tell you that I already created the fb account and the group using your name as you suggested earlier
Facebook account: John Wotherspoon
Group: Africans drug-love scams
I give you all the information so that you verify that I am using the account correctly because I am using your name in case you see that I am doing something wrong, please tell me.
God bless you


Nov 5 - my reply:

Thank you M for F/B - excellent!  Hope it help stops many women from being tricked.
God bless!


Nov 7 from M: (with 2 photos)

Hi Fr John
I need to know what was saying to you the authorities about Felix because him finally involve a Thai woman they meet. The Thai woman is vunerably because just divorce. Y
You can post my letter or not? 
How we can advice the woman?
Also Suriya is pregnant again?
Advice what we can do?

2017-11-07-01.jpg (60031 bytes) 2017-11-07-02.jpg (69933 bytes)


Nov 14 - my reply:

Thank you M for more info + photos.....I'll put on the file for authorities in Thailand to see: 
I don't have any news from authorities in Thailand. I'm not sure what can be done for the woman. I hope the authorities in Bangkok can soon offer some advice.
God bless


From M Nov 17:
Hi Fr. John

I did it, God enlightened me and I could warn her I have understood that she will not see him again. She was contacted by Felix in Badoo the story is the same Felix is divorced, looking for a woman to form a true family. He adds her to her as a friend on Facebook and then asked him to add Vivian to his sister. Vivian makes comments on facebook which makes the girl think that the relationship is serious but the girl discovered that Felix is married. She also read my warning so she decided to end the relationship.
This girl for her photos of fb has a business and travels constantly. I am surprised because they are a perfectly organized team.
Can you edit your last post putting his Full name Felix Chibuzo Nnadi because him change his Fb name for Chibuzo Nnadi he is trying ppl  do no find information about him.
God bless 


From M Nov 29:

Hi Father
See this, Im conffused can not undertand is the conversation with Thai woman 


Is Felix´s profile on Badoo 01250446787


with attachments:

2017-11-29-01.jpg (88213 bytes) 2017-11-29-02.jpg (94359 bytes) 2017-11-29-03.jpg (140897 bytes) 2017-11-29-04.jpg (144506 bytes) 2017-11-29-05.jpg (144785 bytes) 2017-11-29-06.jpg (66631 bytes)


From M April 13, 2018

Hi Father

How are you? News about Sia and Anna. Just saw your message.
I´m thinking that the police never will catch to Felix they have friends inside of police even Suriyas´s Brother is a Monke now. It´s very sad because women are in the jail leaving all. Phaka continues posting how rich they are and talking bad about poors. 
God bless and protect you forever.


There have been many further messages, but the above are enough for the time being. When will authorities take action to stop Felix?
