God bless
Aug 27, M's email:
Hi John
I really do not know the
Thai laws and how the media are there. I do not consider it
prudent that you expose the information because it would be put on
I still can not understand the customs of Asia, if you check the
Felix was at the same time with the Australian woman and Suriya,
even their children were born with a difference of 4 months
between them.
Suriya never post anything
related to Felix and if you pay attention to all her photos she
always looks sad.
The one I think has benefits
is Phaka because thanks to Felix she continues to study medicine
curiously, perhaps it is an easier way to get the elements to make
drugs for themselves. If you check her facebook she has a new car.
I am sending you the
information because I believe it is commitment to society. I'm
going to investigate a little bit about the Thai laws possibly we
can find the right legal arguments.
I attach some documents of
the company that they founded perhaps requesting some audit, or I
do not know if in Thailand the partners can be required to check
the assets they own and how they acquired them.
It is best to keep the information hidden until we have found a
way for the Thai police to arrest him.
Best regards
Attachments: 01
Aug 27 from M:
Please check the attachments
Rita is a very close friend
of Felix and when I saw that publication, I had no reason to think
he was a bad man and I gave him all my trust. But I also know that
he is looking for a lot of Indonesian women in their majority
Muslims or at least that's what I saw on Facebook.
I also enclose the
conversation where he invites a woman to drink and smoke grass but
this I would not like you to publish because the woman is in
Instead of posting the extra
information as you suggest, it occurs to me that we can put
together a publication of Nigerian drug traffickers from the Igbo
tribe in Asia, for the little that investigates the tribe Igbos to
which Felix belongs to Asia and They do drugs, when they are
arrested or sentenced to death their families see them as heroes,
there you can attach photos of the Nigerians including Felix.
Attachments: 01
Aug 29 from M
Maybe this can be useful
God bless you
Attachment = Felix's
Aug 29 from M
Him explain very well igbo
culture im surprinsing
Aug 29 - my message to M
Thank you so much M for
so much info ...especially the passport. I hope we can soon stop
Felix from hurting people. Are you sure you are safe in America? Is
there any way Felix can know your location?
God bless
Sep 27: new summary letters
from M, with F/B entries: English
and Spanish
Oct 5: From M - new
photos of Felix and Suriya (posted on FB by Phaka):
Oct 30 from M:
I am glad that your trip (to
Bangkok) was
successful and above all that you returned safely to Hong Kong.
...... I also have to tell you that
I already created the fb account and the group using your name as
you suggested earlier
Facebook account: John
Group: Africans drug-love
I give you all the
information so that you verify that I am using the account
correctly because I am using your name in case you see that I am
doing something wrong, please tell me.
God bless you
Nov 5 - my reply:
Thank you M for F/B - excellent! Hope it help stops
many women from being tricked.
God bless!
Nov 7 from M: (with 2 photos)
Hi Fr John
I need to know what was saying to you the
authorities about Felix because him finally involve a Thai
woman they meet. The Thai woman is vunerably because just
divorce. Y
You can post my letter or not?
How we can advice the woman?
Also Suriya is pregnant again?
Advice what we can do?

Nov 14 - my reply:
Thank you M for more info + photos.....I'll put on the
file for authorities in Thailand to see:
I don't have any news from authorities in Thailand. I'm not
sure what can be done for the woman. I hope the authorities
in Bangkok can soon offer some advice.
God bless
From M Nov 17:
Fr. John
I did it, God
enlightened me and I could warn her I have understood
that she will not see him again. She
was contacted by Felix in Badoo
the story is the same Felix is divorced, looking for a
woman to form a true family. He adds her to her as a
friend on Facebook and then asked him to add Vivian to
his sister. Vivian makes comments on facebook which
makes the girl think that the relationship is serious
but the girl discovered that Felix is married. She
also read my warning so she decided to end the
This girl for
her photos of fb has a business and travels
constantly. I am surprised because they are a
perfectly organized team.
Can you edit your
last post putting his Full name Felix Chibuzo Nnadi
because him change his Fb name for Chibuzo Nnadi he is
trying ppl do no find information about him.
God bless
From M Nov
See this, Im
conffused can not undertand is the conversation with
Thai woman
Is Felix´s
profile on Badoo
with attachments:
From M April 13, 2018
How are you? News about Sia and Anna.
Just saw your message.
I´m thinking that the police never
will catch to Felix they have friends inside of police
even Suriyas´s Brother is a Monke now. It´s very sad
because women are in the jail leaving all. Phaka
continues posting how rich they are and talking bad
about poors.
God bless and protect you forever.
There have been many further messages, but the above are
enough for the time being. When will authorities take action
to stop Felix?