Gita Gealgeol and her boyfriend Rezza Dhitama ("Supriyadi")

December 16, 2016: Letter (in Indonesian) from an Indonesian woman, an aslyum seeker, in prison in HK on a drug trafficking charge - saying how she was tricked by an African man to receive a parcel of drugs from Brazil:


2016-12-16-inmate-01.jpg (433558 bytes) 2016-12-16-inmate-02.jpg (461258 bytes) 

English translation of this letter - Here

Woman who recruited/tricked the inmate - Gita Gealgeol and her boyfriend Rezza Dhitama ("Supriyadi"). Rezza'a FB

Rezza-Dhitama.jpg (213983 bytes)

Ghita lives in Kam Tin. She and African man have baby boy. Several inmates know her.
