BIG FISH: Phoebe Dibogo - Kenya, Ethiopia, HK


Phiby03.jpg (187743 bytes) Photo from her post here


A: She has a Nigerian boyfriend in Nairobi, Ben, who gives drugs to mules in Addis Ababa

B: She recruited a number of women now in prison in HK 

C: Her most recent recruit, arrested October 22, 2017 now at Tai Lam Women's prison

D: Phoebe tricked recent recruit to go to Addis Ababa, then Ben kept recruit in captivity, threatened and forced her to swallow drug pellets, and forced her to get on a plane for HK. On arrival in HK, recruit immediately informed Customs officers of her situation.

E: Phoebe's phone number: +254 707417695.

F: Ben's Whatsap numbers; +84 888689505, +84 933245456. His Ethiopian no: +251 983802972

G: In Oct-Nov 2017, five women drug mules were arrested at HK airport: one from Kenya, two from Tanzania, one from Peru and one from Greece. The three East Africans and the Greek girl (a 19 year old model) all came via Adis Ababa. See this report from HK's South China Morning Post


H: I was very upset at reading of a new mule every few days from Addis Ababa try to stop this nonsense I put a post (Nov 23, 2017) on East African's biggest blog, Jamii Forums which has greatly supported my campaign over the past few years. Post is here. I realise posting phone numbers might be considered a waste of information, but naming and shaming seems to be the only way to take effective action. HK Customs not using/forwarding such info.


I: "Ben" seems to have been forcing his girlfriend Phoebe to recruit drug mules for him. Seems that at one stage she left him, but is now back with him, probably for financial reasons.

Ben is also said to be connected with a prominent Kenyan politician KEN NGONDI whose bodyguards OCHIENG and "MOI" work with the Nigerian Drug Lords in Kenya and Addis Ababa.

J: Greek media has contacted me after seeing Jamii post. Hopefully their publicity - re the 19 year old Greek model arrested at HK airport  Nov 20, she being one of four arrested people to have brought drugs to HK from Addis Ababa in the last few weeks - will put pressure on Drug Lords in Kenya and Ethiopia to stop sending people to HK ...  and put pressure on authorities in Kenya and Addis Ababa to take action ...especially to tighten security at Addis Ababa airport...this is something that needs to be done immediately, not after months of (possible) inquiries by Customs. 

K: Phoebe is associated with Precious Mum = Jennifer = Khadija Emeka

L: Phoebe arrested?
