Hong Kong 17-06-2017
Father John,
First, I want to wish you well and in good health.
My name is _______________, I am 30 years old and I am from Venezuela.
I am a woman as many; I am a mother, daughter, sister, friend, employee and hard working woman.
My country's situation is hard and just to get a job was almost impossible, there isn't medicines or food available.
Nothing I am saying is an excuse for my actions, at this moment I realized I made a wrong decision for my life. Yes, in the middle of my desperation I accepted the offer given to me to carry drugs and now I am in a prison waiting to be sentenced, maybe 10 or 12 years.
At the beginning everything was easy and it was just to pass a suitcase, they said, 'Sure you will pass it' don't worry, go to Brazil and then leave from there, sure they never told me I was going to be in a jail for more than 3 weeks without contact with other people. I wasn't also told Brazil was starving more than in Venezuela.
They didn't tell me if I failed I would spend 10 years away from my family, from everything I know and I love. I was scared and I did not want to go on with this, they said they invested much money on me and I have to go, they threatened me and I let them intimidate me, at the end I was very scared.
I came and it has been the most terrible nightmare in my life, it was worse when I saw coming more people from my country who went through similar circumstances.
How many things happen in 10 years?
I don't know, but at this moment everything is a question, I depend from God's Mercy, my loyal companion who takes care of me and protects me.
Why I am writing then?
-I am writing to all of those who feel now the same anguish as felt. I ask them as a mum, as a friend, as Venezuelan, as Latin American under any circumstances let them put pressure on you.
Do not accept trafficking drugs because your life is at risk, there are some countries they punish drugs trafficking with the dead penalty.
There are always other options, appreciate what you have even
though is little, your family, I don’t wish what I am living to anyone.
From the button of my heart I hope this message will make others reflect, it is
enough, no more Latins in Asian prisons.
Do not get trapped in having a trip without return.
Say No to Drugs (herself drawing) Yes to the Family
Don't accept trips without return
which destroys your life,
Your family, No Freedom and you
are making someone else rich.