August 31, 2017: Letter in Spanish from a Colombian man, a HK resident, in prison in HK for drug trafficking
Receive a cordial greeting, Fr John; I hope you are well. My name is ______, I am presently detained at Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre in Hong Kong.
Today, I want to send a message to all the people of South America, and the whole world.
Please, do not get involved in carrying drugs to Hong Kong or to any other part of the world. This work is very dangerous for various reasons:
1. It puts your own freedom at risk
2. Those who use their bodies (stomachs) to carry drugs put their health and life at risk
3. Think of your families and your loved ones, “children, parents, spouses…”
When the authorities catch you trafficking drugs, you will spend many years in prison, and you, with your family, will suffer.
Before doing such a thing, think about it very well; think about your family and the people who love you and need you. I can tell you from my own experience that being a prisoner in a foreign land is very hard. You feel lonely being far from family and people who need and truly love you. I want to share this message with you and ask us to support the campaign of Fr John. It is hard to find good people like him.
Sincerely, _____________