Media items 

May 21, 2018: Nigerians in Sao Paulo send women to India with 106 cocaine capsules in stomach

Nov 21, 2017: Two women arrested at HK airport last week, one from Peru (with 180 condoms in body) the other from Tanzania

March 7, 2017: For Colombian drug mules, trip to China can be lucrative but deadly
More than 140 Colombians are serving drug trafficking sentences in mainland jails, some awaiting execution

September 15, 2016: HK$1.3 million drug
bust - Two Colombian men may face life sentence in Hong Kong

August 17, 2016: Jailed drug smuggler Michaella McCollum returns to Ireland from Peru She served 27 months in prison, for 11kg of cocaine ...for which she would have served, after cuts, 144 months in HK

July 20: Enter the dragon fruit: liquid cocaine worth HK$15 million found squeezed into 98 fruits arriving at Hong Kong airport from Colombia

July 17: Stay away: letter writing by South American inmates in Hong Kong is deterring drug trafficking, says prison chaplain

Oct 4: woman arrested for trafficking
HK Customs officers have arrested a 23-year-old woman after finding 3.8kg of cocaine worth $4.4 million in false compartments in a suitcase she was carrying at the airport.

