Media/blog items about Kenyans drug trafficking 

Aug 21, 2018: Moving 6 minute phone call from Faith Omollo, a Kenyan woman in prison in Malaysia, facing the death penalty for drug trafficking

Aug 20, 2018: Drug Queen arrested in Kenya. She had sent 20 mules to other countries (including a number to HK) in the past two years. I think she is Phoebe in this profile

May 19, 2017: 80 Kenyans jailed in China to complete sentences at home

March 31, 2017: Drug Lords arrested in Kenya:

2017-03-31-Drug-Lords-arrested.jpg (246173 bytes)

Oct 15, 2016: Horrifying stories from Kenyans jailed in Hong Kong for drug trafficking
- a story in Kenyan media about v2catholic anti-drug campaign

Oct 13, 2016: Shock as 300 Kenyans beg President to order their killing
- has photos of Kenyan prisons

Oct 10, 2016: Kenyan women being recruited as mules by Nigerian drug lords

August 23, 2016: Drug addicts want county’s assistance

August 19, 2016: Police nab woman transporting Ksh10M of heroin

August 8, 2016: UK aristocrat's son's bail overturned after Kenya drug-smuggling charge  (and a second report)  100k of cocaine from Brazil ......destined for places like HK)

July 5, 2016: Though law could reduce prisoners’ plight, first address drug trafficking
- written about this website's campaign by a young lady I happened to be seated next to on a bus ride from Nairobi to Meru last Dec 31. Thank you Liz for excellent article!

April 4, 2016: BBC video report (3 mins) about East African drug mules going to HK ...and my anti-drug campaign

Jan 18, 2016: Nairobi Standard42 Kenyan drug suspects rotting in Hong Kong cells

March 30, 2014: First attempt as drug courier lands mother in jail in HK
- her story after release from 6 years prison in HK

2013: Kenyan woman convicted of drug trafficking arrested in Italy
Judith Akinyi - author of Deadly Money Maker - still "working"?